Tuesday, February 18, 2020

▼△▼Shop: Heart-Leaf Clover Potted Plant ▼△▼

*All hand-painted texture
*All-new mesh
*Custom LOD
*Only 2 LI

*Copy & Modify, NO Transfer

°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· Is Second Life still a thing? ·._.·°¯°·..·°.·°°

After dipping my toe into Second Life, I start searching hungrily for more information. "How do I..." starts most of my Google search queries....but another, larger question comes to my mind....

...."Is Second Life still a thing?"


Through exploring I can say many, many wonderful people still come to SL very regularly! There are many organized events through groups to fit all sorts of interests, such as horseback riding clubs, poetry readings, beach parties, formal dance events, scavenger hunts, holiday shopping events full of user creations....just to name a few!

Great, friendly and supportive discussions are to be had in the group chats, about about everything from classical music performances to computer scientists troubleshooting scripting solutions!

Relaxing Beachside at Emerald Mountain
Maybe I am lucky finding these "diamonds in the rough", but I am beginning to think that Second Life is exactly what you make it. What you focus on / seek-out is exactly what you will get. If you can think it, you can find it there!

If you are the kind of person to even read this blog, then I can assure you it is very worth your time to try out Second Life :) I write this, not because I have anything to gain, but because I have gained so much for my time there!

:) Well that's all for now!
Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· Welcome to Spot●Feather! ·._.·°¯°·..·°.·°°

Last summer, I went looking on the web for a creative outlet and supportive art community online. That's when I discovered Second Life for the first time...Oh how I wish I'd found it sooner! For almost a month now, I have dedicated myself to learning about the culture, exploring, taking classes, meeting interesting people, and creating.

Today is the beginning of a new era; one marked by the creation of this blog. This is a friendly, supportive place where I can post my creations, and share with you what I've learned as I explore this diverse virtual world. I recognize the learning curve for SL (Second Life) is real, and hope you can benefit from what I learned the hard way :)

This is also the birthday & Grand Opening of my shop on Second Life Marketplace; Spot●Feather! Keep an eye out for new posts here and items in my Marketplace Shop, or in-world at my Tiny Market-Stand.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to see you again soon!

°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· BEACHSIDE ART CAFÉ ·._.·°¯°·..·°.·°°

It's the grand opening of Spot Feather's first Art-Café! I am happy to invite you to join us on the beach for art and relaxation!...